Lying Eyes | Lucid Dreams | Poetry & Prose

Lying Eyes | Lucid Dreams | Poetry & Prose

Lying EyesBy: Shawn Lee McPherson Shades of blue and gray swirled together as one KissingBROKEN UPAs narrow streaks of yellow fight to escape seductive black holesI saw things I wanted to see themBlues and grays caressing the other An ancient form of danceA slight...
Lucid Dreams (Poetry)

Lucid Dreams (Poetry)

Lucid Dreams (Poetry) I have been in love with fear for as long as I can remember. Maybe it’s being born in Maine and growing up nursing a healthy dose of Stephen King that made me that way, but horror has always been a fascinating genre for me. While I love...
The View from the Cheap Seats

The View from the Cheap Seats

The View from the Cheap Seats Let’s just call that the image that leads to the shaving of the mustache. It was a nice vacation, but it’s over. Images are currently in post-production as that is what happens when you run a photography studio as part of your...
A little about Shawn

A little about Shawn

A little about Shawn An introduction to the Author Photographer who will be rambling on here the most Life is a strange trip. There are so many times that we think we have it all figured out. That we know where we are going and how we are going to get there. We like...
A little about Shawn

Welcome to the cheap seats

Welcome to the cheap seats! What is this like version 4.0?  I believe it is just that. It’s been a while since there has been any wordslinging going on here, but I’m back to do just that. I’ve been in a bit of a media blackout for the past few years....